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Fiona Carse
WP 2,4,5 | MET UK
Fiona is focussing on the availability of real-time CTD data from European research vessels, including profiles of temperature, salinity and perhaps dissolved oxygen. She is undertaking a gap analysis and will suggest best practices for conveying real-time CTD data from vessel to users. Fiona is a sea-going oceanographer by training, and has a PhD in ocean and lake vertical mixing using SF6 as a tracer. She is now an ocean observation specialist at the Met Office, with responsibilities in the UK Argo programme, AniBOS – a GOOS emerging network focussing on instrumented marine mammals, and an overall duty to ensure ocean observations arrive in time to be assimilated by the Met Office’s global and regional forecast models. Before joining the Met Office in 2011, Fiona worked for the Scottish Environment Protection agency as a statistician, and as a data manager and a science programme manager in various roles within NERC (the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council).
Name pronunciation: [ f ee – OH – n uh ]