Pushing the boundaries of hydrography research
The EuroGO-SHIP project will follow an interactive process for its implementation, from concept development to demonstration. It will co-design services pilot and test best practices, scope needs, commitments, and ambitions from key stakeholders and lay out alternatives to maximise impact.

In the initial stretch of the three-year EuroGO-SHIP project, emphasis will be placed on concept development, demonstration, and consultation with targeted stakeholders, including ship-based hydrographic data originators and end users and existing research infrastructures- towards co-designed services. These activities will contribute to the formulation of a requirements document for the new EuroGO-SHIP research infrastructure (RI). Subsequently, the consortium will concentrate on designing a structure for the new EuroGO-SHIP RI, which will feed from exchanges carried out throughout the project with scientists, existing marine RIs and associated structures, policy makers and funding agencies, to ensure that EuroGO-SHIP is developed with full consideration of the European RI landscape.
Mapping & stating requirements
EuroGO-SHIP will describe a suite of new services and access opportunities for hydrographers based on the needs of data originators, end users, governments, and funding organisations. These specifications will be evaluated via consultation. Through close cooperation with demonstration activities, the new services and access opportunities will be refined further. This will result in a Statement of Requirements for new services and access opportunities, which will be mapped onto the RI landscape and developed into candidate RI governance structures.
EuroGO-SHIP will be inviting feedback from hydrographers and end users of hydrographic information, as well as policy makers and funders. If you would like to join the conversation, please let us know!
Demonstrating the EuroGO-SHIP concept
The EuroGO-SHIP concept will be developed through demonstration. Firstly, by mapping the current state of best practices and designing the optimal EuroGO-SHIP Best Practices and Standards System, including a gap analysis and barriers to adoption. Secondly, by conducting pilot activities to demonstrate EuroGO-SHIP’s operational principles.
Learn more about planned pilot cruises and training opportunities.
Engaging with key communities
EuroGO-SHIP will put together the science case for a strategic investment in supporting European ship-based hydrographic work. As part of this process, the project will consult with relevant communities, such as:
● Regional hydrography networks in North West Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea regarding their needs for hydrographic support.
● Policy bodies, including EU institutions and national government ministries- about their commitment to hydrographic observations and related science, as well as their plans for long-term support.
● End users of hydrographic data, such as the satellite calibration/validation community and numerical modellers- about optimal data pathways and formats, as well as their needs for real-time and delayed mode data.
The results of this process will be communicated throughout the project, as well as during the final EuroGO-SHIP Conference. If you would like to keep up to date with the key messages and results stemming from stakeholder consultations, please sign-up to our newsletter!
Defining structure, governance & funding
Feeding from all previous work, a blueprint for how EuroGO-SHIP RI could operate using existing services will be produced, explaining how it might fit into the existing RI Landscape and including a proposal for the best structure, financing arrangements and business model for a prospective new RI. The blueprint will be presented at the EuroGO-SHIP final event in November 2025.
EuroGO-SHIP will create and drive momentum towards exploitation and uptake of key project results by target users and stakeholders. Project findings will enter in the production of several open-access scientific publications, as well as being communicated in conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs throughout EU and non-EU countries during the project. Steps will be taken to recommend potential uptake of data layers stemming from EuroGO-SHIP into the European Atlas of the Seas. The project will connect with wider society through the EU4Ocean Platform, Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools to promote and invite the exploitation of EuroGO-SHIP data by non-expert audiences.
Sign up to the EuroGO-SHIP newsletter for information on planned events & activities!