
EuroGO-SHIP Voices

Tune into the voices of the EuroGO-SHIP team as they share their adventures from the waters and shores around Europe. Postcards from the Seas is an anthology of the infectious, personal accounts of scientists engaged in project tasks and activities in support of shaping a new research infrastructure for more accurate ship-based hydrography. Check out their stories to get a sense of life on a cruise, to gain some insights into the nuts and bolts of ocean observation, and to learn how these dedicated researchers are providing important data to help society understand our environment and better manage our seas and holistic climate.

We are also pleased to present success stories and case studies here, which will demonstrate the importance of hydrography in the wider ocean observation system.

Success stories

A EuroGO-SHIP Success Story By Fiona Carse, Met Office | March 26, 2024Contributions by Tim Smyth (Plymouth Marine Lab) and Matthew Martin …

A Case Study for the Importance of Hydrography By Richard Sanders, NORCE | December 7, 2023With contributions from Are Olsen As global …

Postcards from the sea

By Dawn Ashby, Jennifer Lockett, and Angelina Smilenova | June 27, 2024 Established in 1995, the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme is …

An Interview with Emil Jeansson, Chemical Oceanographer By Emil Jeansson, NORCE | December 12, 2023 Emil Jeansson is a Chemical Oceanographer at …

By Katrin Schroeder, CNR-ISMAR | October 2, 2023 I didn’t exactly set out to be on this path. It was a stroke …

The Experience Of An Early Career Scientist On A EuroGO-SHIP Pilot Cruise By Teodor Mușat, GeoEcoMar | September 12, 2023 I’m a …

By Malcolm Woodward, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK | June 1, 2023 The RRS James Cook sailed from Southampton on the afternoon of …

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