Pushing the boundaries of hydrography research

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work plan

The fourteen partners of the EuroGO-SHIP project are organised into six focused work packages, interconnecting to form a Pan-European Coordination strategy designed to make the EU ship-based hydrographic system stronger than the sum of its component parts.

Work package (WP) 1 will focus on coordinating the project and ensuring efficient, smooth and timely execution of all project activities, including reviewing and maintaining the project work plan, building an appropriate project management culture, and ensuring an accurate and timely flow of communication between the project partners and the European Commission (EC), as funding institution. 


WP2 will describe a suite of new services and access opportunities for hydrographers based on the needs of data originators, end users, governments, and funding organisations. The work package encompasses three distinct tasks, each with its own objective:

  • Propose and revise a description of shared facilities with an emphasis on accessibility and training.
  • Conduct a gap analysis of hydrographic data in EU marine data systems and recommend best practices for data curation from data originator to end user.
  • Establish a framework for calculating an objective uncertainty estimate and enhancing the usability of data.

Feeding from this work, a Statement of Requirements will be produced for the services that the European hydrography community requires as the basis for the EuroGO-SHIP research infrastructure.


WP3 will demonstrate elements of the EuroGO-SHIP and will operate along two main lines, namely: 

  • Mapping the current state of best practices and designing the optimal EuroGO-SHIP Best Practices and standards system, including a gap analysis and barriers to adoption.
  • Executing pilot activities demonstrating EuroGO-SHIP principles and operations.

This WP will be used to develop the EuroGO-SHIP concept through demonstration, in conjunction with WP2. Pilot activities will be carried out on land and on a research cruise. Before, during and after the pilot cruise, training activities will be proposed, including logistics, devices, analysis, preparation and execution of cruises, data flow, primary and secondary quality control. Training activities will be targeted to (early career) technicians and scientists.


WP4 will assemble the science case for a strategic investment in supporting European ship-based Hydrographic work. In close iteration with other work packages (specially WP2), it will work to:

  • Undertake a numerical modelling activity to determine the increased understanding of ocean properties that we can reasonably expect to flow from the expected improvements in data quality linked to the introduction of Nutrient and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon certified reference materials.
  • Consult with regional networks of hydrographers in NW Europe, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea regarding their requirements for hydrographic support.
  • Consult with government ministries and the EU regarding their commitment to ship-based hydrographic observations and related science and their ambitions for its ongoing support.
  • Consult with end users of ship-based hydrographic information such as the Satellite Calibration/validation community and numerical modellers regarding optimal data pathways and formats and their requirements for real-time and delayed mode data.


WP5 will take the Statement of Requirements from WP2 and compare it to the services available from the existing RI landscape to determine how the new EuroGO-SHIP RI can operate by using existing services and how it might sit within the existing RI Landscape. This specification will be used to determine the optimal governance, operational structure and business model of a potential new RI, which will be discussed and communicated broadly to inform and guide future action. 


Communication, Exploitation & Dissemination plan will be designed and rolled out as part of WP6, seeking to maximise the impact of EuroGO-SHIP by ensuring effective communications, dissemination, and exploitation of its activities and outcomes. The CE&D plan will be geared at ensuring effective stakeholder interaction and policy outreach throughout the Project and beyond, as well as at connecting with society via broader communities of non-expert audiences.

WP Lead: Seascape Belgium

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