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Caroline Cusack
WP2,3,4,5 | Marine Institute
Task 2.1: Shared facilities; Task 3.2 Pilot activities; Task 4.2 Consultation with hydrographers (data originators) through Regional Networks; Task 5.1 RI Landscape; Task 5.2 Architecture, governance, and financing.
Caroline is the Oceanography and Ocean Climate team leader in the Oceanographic and Climate Services group at the Marine Institute, Ireland. She is involved in a number of activities related to Ocean observing (e.g. ICES, GO-SHIP, EuroGOOS, GOOS) and works with colleagues to develop downstream services (e.g. harmful algal bloom alerts, extreme marine events warning system). More recently, she is involved in European research projects focused on improving and integrating the European Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (the H2020 funded EuroSea project), addressing new requirements for ship-based measurements within the context of the European Research Infrastructure landscape (the Horizon Europe EuroGO-SHIP project) and has carried out research related to developing marine ecosystem climate services in the JPI Climate ERA4CS funded project, CoCliME.
You pronounce my name as: car-o-lion.