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Jacopo Chiggiato
Jacopo Chiggiato: Laurea (M. Sc. equiv.) in Environmental Science (1998), University of Venice. Ph.D. in Numerical Modelling for Environmental Protection (2004), University of Bologna. Amongst several experiences, he was Scientist at the NATO Undersea Research Centre (2009-2011). He is now senior scientist at CNR-ISMAR. Research interests are data analysis and numerical modelling in meteorology and oceanography, air-sea interactions, atmosphere-ocean coupled systems, climate variability of regional oceans and R&D in operational oceanography. He authored and co-authored more than 60 JCR papers (google scholar profile) and organized / participated to several sea trials in the Mediterranean Sea. Editor and contributing author of the book “Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea: an introductory guide”, published by Elsevier (2022). Associate Editor for the Journal of Operational Oceanography and Frontiers in Marine Science.