After several seasons of consultations, observation, analysis, stakeholder engagement, and hours of synthesis and scribing across work packages, EuroGO-SHIP has delivered an impressive bundle of reports in support of its aim to shape a new research infrastructure and services for more accurate ship-based observations from the surface to the bottom of the ocean. This work, reflected in the reports below, would not have been possible without the participation and or consultation of stakeholders among regional hydrography networks, end-user communities, and representatives of government ministries and agencies. EuroGO-SHIP thanks everyone who shared time, experiences, requirements and expertise at workshops, meetings and via surveys.
Following is a description of the reports by work package, all of which are available on the EuroGO-SHIP website.
In support of its objective to describe a suite of new services and access opportunities for hydrographers based on the needs of data originators, end users, governments and funding organisations, Work Package 2 has delivered three reports:
· Data Duration Recommendations including Gap Analysis
· Refined Scope of Shared Facilities: New Services and Access Opportunities:
· Framework for Uncertainty Estimates as Part of Secondary Quality Control
Word clouds below are derived from polls taken at various workshops and are in response to how EuroGO-SHIP can help with training, best practices and access to shared facilities, respectively.
Work Package 3 has delivered the Report on Best Practices and Traceability, including Gap Analysis discussing key elements for a Best Practices and Standards strategy in support of a future EuroGO-SHIP research infrastructure, addressing two pillars: the EGS-RI governance structure and technical aids.
The objective of Work Package 4 is to assemble the science case for a strategic investment in supporting European ship-based hydrographic work. Four reports have been delivered in support of this objective:
· Report Summarising the Science Case for a Future EuroGO-SHIP RI
· Summarising the Results of Consultations with Regional Networks
· Government Ministries and Agencies (see map)
· Summarising the Results of Consultations with End-users of Hydrographic Information
Geographical representation of the EuroGO-SHIP Pen Picture activities to ascertain how hydrography is conducted and how it operates across Europe.