EuroGO-SHIP Newsletter 7

Newsletter January 2025 | Volume 7

The three-year HORIZON EUROPE EuroGO-SHIP seeks to enable the European community conducting ship-based hydrographic observations at sea to provide higher quality and more sustainable data flows to a broad range of end users, more effectively. The project is funded under the call HORIZON-INFRA-2022-DEV-01-01: Research infrastructure concept development and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number 10051458, 10068242, 10068528].

A Note from our Coordinator

Dear All,

The end of November marked the second full year of EuroGO-SHIP and considering the speed of which the months have flown, it could be said we’ve had Fair Winds and Following Seas! 

Among the many highlights this year is the completion of pilots and tasks, the delivery of over 15 reports addressing many objectives across the project’s spectrum, a series of successful stakeholder workshops that have provided us with important insights to understand the needs and operations of ship-based hydrography and wider ocean observation communities around Europe, and our unprecedented Research Infrastructure workshop in Venice as part our our second annual meeting this past summer. 

With the majority of tasks having been completed in Work Package 2 (Mapping and Stating Requirements), Work Package 3 (Concept Demonstration) and Work Package 4 (Science Inputs and Stakeholder Engagement), the baton is being passed to Work Package 5 to determine the optimal governance, operational structure and business model of a potential new RI, which will be discussed and communicated broadly to inform and guide future action. But that is next year’s story and I am looking forward to the Spring 2025 newsletter when we are in a position to discuss the results of the excellent work our consortium has produced and what lies ahead for EuroGO-SHIP.

In this newsletter, we offer a description of the recent deliverables and bring you an insightful interview with Pascale Lherminier, our Work Package 2 lead, who reminds us how important and necessary the suite of services EuroGO-SHIP aims to provide are, especially when it comes to the delivery of FAIR data. And, we are also pleased to introduce our new factsheet which was created in collaboration with the EuroGO-SHIP scientists at our annual meeting with the aim of introducing the world of ship-based hydrography to a wider audience interested in Ocean Literacy.

I hope that your year winds down in calm waters, and sincerely thank you for your continued interest in EuroGO-SHIP.

Kind regards,

Dr. Elaine McDonagh
EuroGO-SHIP Project Coordinator
NORCE, Bergen, Norway

Harvesting Insights in a Cornucopia of Deliverables

After several seasons of consultations, observation, analysis, stakeholder engagement, and hours of synthesis and scribing across work packages, EuroGO-SHIP has delivered an impressive bundle of reports in support of its aim to shape a new research infrastructure and services for more accurate ship-based observations from the surface to the bottom of the ocean. This work, reflected in the reports below, would not have been possible without the participation and or consultation of stakeholders among regional hydrography networks, end-user communities, and representatives of government ministries and agencies. EuroGO-SHIP thanks everyone who shared time, experiences, requirements and expertise at workshops, meetings and via surveys. See a detailed list here.

Fixing Pipes for the Delivery of Ocean Data

What is real and offers the possibility to tell the story of the ocean? The answer is Data… 

In our latest Postcards from the Sea blog, the effervescent, data-loving Pascale Lherminier (Ifremer) tells us that she’s motivated by a curiosity to understand how the beautiful ocean works, provides an update on how EuroGO-SHIP has been fixing data stream pipes from ship to data centre and shares her hopes for the future of EuroGO-SHIP. “It is fundamental that we become a European Research Infrastructure so we can build on the work we have done in this Horizon Europe Project”. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to spend a few moments with one of EuroGO-SHIP’s impassioned and knowledgeable voices. Read the interview here.  

Sharing Valuable Insights: The Importance of Knowledge

One of EuroGO-SHIP’s objectives is to facilitate training of best practices and techniques across the disciplines involved in ship-based hydrography. Many of our seasoned oceanographers are delighted to have the opportunity to pass on insights and knowledge to eager early career scientists. Andra Busce of GeoEcoMar shares her recent experience learning from EuroGO-SHIP partner Malcolm Woodward during a training session at Plymouth Marine Lab. Read about it here.

EuroGO-SHIP Ocean Literary Factsheet

We are pleased to share our newly minted Factsheet! In support of Ocean Literacy, and spotlighting the important role ship-based hydrography plays in understanding climate change and providing policy makers with crucial data insights they need to better manage our ocean and environment, the two-pager will be distributed at various events targeting educators, European Blue Schools and wider society as well as through EU4Ocean communication channels. 

Find EuroGO-SHIP on Bluesky

While EuroGO-SHIP will remain active on LinkedIn and X, we have also joined Bluesky social media to share project information and engage with our community stakeholders participating on this emerging platform.

We appreciate your support across all of our social media channels! Please like, share or comment on posts and help us spread the EuroGO-SHIP story through your networks..

AQUARIUS Transnational Call NOW OPEN

Closes: 20 January 2025

The Horizon Europe funded project AQUARIUS is brokering 10 million euro in funds, offering researchers the opportunity to access a diverse set of integrated research infrastructures. Of key interest is the one-stop shop portal that centralises the procurement of licences and permits for winning applicants.

Check out the impressive catalogue of 57 participating research infrastructures including vessels, aircraft, mobile and fixed freshwater facilities, specialised laboratories, drones and more, guidelines and FAQs at the aquarius website.

Engagement with Skateholders

Work Package 4 (Science Inputs and Stakeholder Engagement) has continued its aim to consult with end users of ship-based hydrographic information to understand their needs. Two meetings were hosted this past autumn with EUMETSAT, focusing on good data documentation, and the delivery of near-real time (NRT) oceanographic data (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, currents). 

Interested in learning more about how EuroGO-SHIP has been engaging with key stakeholders to foster collaboration and gather insights? Read: D4.4 Report summarising the results of consultations with end-users of hydrographic consultations.


NORCE People for Policy
6 Feb 2025
Brussels, Belgium

EuroGO-SHIP Webinar Series
Through 2025

European Maritime Day
22-23 May – 2025
Cork, Ireland

EuroGO-SHIP 3rd Annual Meeting
2-5 June – 2025
Helsinki, Finland

EuroGO-SHIP Final Event
November – 2025
Brussels, Belgium

We hope you will support EuroGO-SHIP’s mission to promote the importance of ship-based hydrography in the ocean observation value chain by inviting your contacts to sign-up to this newsletter!  

Fair Winds and Following Seas

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