EuroGO-SHIP Surveys – Fine tuning the development of new services with your input!

Repeat Hydrography Community Survey

When and how does data and metadata flow from (Repeat) Hydrography Cruises?

If you are a member of the Repeat Hydrography Community, will you help EuroGO-SHIP with its investigation to get a clearer picture on what happens with data and how the situation could be improved following FAIR principles by filling out our survey?

We are not focusing on any particular cruises you’ve conducted, so do not hesitate to provide us with information on any data type from any cruise, and add any information of interest in the sections for free text. Most participants will not be able to answer all the questions, but even partially filled-out surveys will provide important information.

Beyond this project, the results of this survey will be beneficial for international GO-SHIP and feed into the ongoing data tracking efforts of the GOOS Observations Coordination Group.

Please take a few moments to support this investigation.

Access to Shared Facilities Survey

One of the key elements of the EuroGO-SHIP project is focused on developing services in support of providing access to shared facilities. 

Will you help us better define your needs in this area by filling out our survey hosted on the EU survey platform? Your input is very important to ensure the establishment of effective services.

There are three parts. Please choose what is relevant for you, whether it is just one or all three. We’d appreciate your support by the 15th of June. 

  1. dissolved inorganic nutrients: the aim of this survey is to assess the drivers, approaches, and needs of the oceanographic community with respect to measurements of dissolved inorganic nutrients (here defined as “nutrients”) during ship surveys and stimulate interest in improving data quality and data intercomparability.
    We are requesting participation from members of the oceanographic community who perform nutrient measurements, or, would be interested in performing these measurements, or, would be interested in getting access to a service making these measurements.
  1. dissolved oxygen: The aim of this survey is to assess the drivers, approaches, and needs of the oceanographic community with respect to dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements during ship surveys and to stimulate interest in improving data quality and data intercomparability. We are interested in hearing from members in the oceanographic community who, a) perform DO measurements on discrete samples with the Winkler method (limited to this method for now) and, b) would be interested in improving their DO sensor data by calibration with Winkler DO data.4 
  1. transient tracers: Transient tracer measurements are only performed by a small number of groups in the oceanographic community. Still, the most frequently measured tracers today (SF6 and the CFCs CFC-12 and CFC-11) are required variables to reach level 1 of the GO-SHIP cruise data. This section provides questions to investigate the interest in this data and possible services from the community.
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