Engaging with Stakeholders

As part of its objective to co-design new services through direct consultation with key stakeholders, the EuroGO-SHIP team has had a productive period raising awareness for the project at conferences, consulting with existing RIs, and accessing the needs of the ship-based hydrography community in Europe and its wider support system. Consultation with Existing Research Infrastructures …

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Deliverable 2.1 Initial Scope of New Services and Access opportunities for EuroGO-SHIP available for download

Shared facilities, including new services and access opportunities, are cornerstones of the concept for a European Research Infrastructure for hydrography, EuroGO-SHIP. This document outlines the initial scope for these shared facilities. This initial scope for shared facilities is mostly what was outlined in the proposal, with some development and additions over the first months of …

Deliverable 2.1 Initial Scope of New Services and Access opportunities for EuroGO-SHIP available for download Read More »

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