Newsletter April 2024 | Volume 4

The three-year HORIZON EUROPE EuroGO-SHIP seeks to enable the European community conducting ship-based hydrographic observations at sea to provide higher quality and more sustainable data flows to a broad range of end users, more effectively. The project is funded under the call HORIZON-INFRA-2022-DEV-01-01: Research infrastructure concept development.
We hope you will support this important community dialogue by inviting your contacts to sign-up to this newsletter!
A Note from our Coordinator

Dear All,
EuroGO-SHIP has sailed into its second year in a productive wake of activity across the six work packages. We successfully completed our first periodic review and were inspired to receive a positive assessment for the important work we have accomplished through the first year toward reaching the project’s milestones, deliverables and expected outcomes.
In this newsletter, we are pleased to bring you a new EuroGO-SHIP success story: Using Real-time CTD data from Research Vessels to Improve Ocean and Weather Forecasts by our colleague Fiona Carse from the Met Office, an introduction to our first factsheet, and updates on recent stakeholder engagement. We are also sharing news about events, including the upcoming second annual meeting taking place in Venice, Italy and hosted by our partner Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Bookending the annual meeting, will be a stakeholder workshop with the Black Sea Observation Group and a meeting to continue our important consultations with Research Infrastructures.
We look forward to updating you again in early July. In the meantime, please get in touch with any feedback or questions. We are interested in hearing from you and welcome your comments. Please write to us here.
Kind regards,
Dr. Elaine McDonag
EuroGO-SHIP Project Coordinator
NORCE, Bergen, Norway

EuroGO-SHIP FactSheet
In January we delivered our first project FactSheet to support discussion with stakeholders and to provide a snapshot of where EuroGO-SHIP stands at the completion of its first year.

International Women's Day
To honour International Women’s Day, EuroGO-SHIP produced a flip-book vignette to stand out on social media featuring some of the dedicated women in our consortium.
Endorsement of MedSHIP as a UN Ocean Decade Action
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) recently endorsed the Mediterranean Sea Ship-based Hydrography (Med-SHIP) as a Decade Action forming part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.
Med-SHIP is the Mediterranean component of GO-SHIP, and is focused on observing the long term changes occurring along repeat transects in the marginal basin (heat content, carbon budget, ventilation rates), following the GO-SHIP guidelines.
Med-SHIP is now also considered a backbone of MonGOOS the Mediterranean Oceanographic Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS Regional Alliance)
Congratulations to our EuroGO-SHIP colleague Katrin Schroeder (CNR) for her participation in this important achievement.
EGU - GeoCinema
The EuroGO-ship video Early Career Scientists Gets a Foot Up will be featured in the GeoCinema area of the Art-Science gallery in the virtual conference platform that will provide an on-demand streaming service of a selection of videos. If you are a registered attendee, please be sure to check it out during the conference: 14-18 April.

There was good ‘food-for-thought’ when WP4 colleagues Richard Sanders and Angelina Smilenova (NORCE) and Tim Smyth (PML) met with members of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), at the European Space Agency (ESA) during two meetings earlier this year to discuss the possibility of EuroGO-SHIP providing ship-based measurements (e.g., underway CO, ocean colour, altimetry) for ESA projects and programmes. Stay tuned for further developments as the dialogue continues in future meetings.
Baltic Ocean Observing System Stakeholder Engagement
Good dialogue took place with the Baltic Ocean Observing System (BOOS) Steering Group (SG) and BOOS members in January when EuroGO-SHIP colleagues Richard Sanders and Angelina Smilenova (NORCE) presented the EuroGO-SHIP concept and Katrin Schroeder (CNR) summarised the sampling activities undertaken by partners on behalf of the EuroGO-SHIP project through 2023. Fiona Carse (Met Office) and Tim Smyth PML) discussed the work being conducted on near-real time (NRT) delivery of ship-based data, its validation/calibration, ship-based data assimilation, and service capacity development. The meeting provided a great opportunity for a start-up discussion on how EuroGO-SHIP could collaborate and exchange practices with BOOS, and how the transmission of NRT ship-based hydrographic data to marine forecasting centres can be jointly promoted.
7th International GO-SHIP Committee Meeting

In February on the eve of AGU in New Orleans, Elaine McDonagh (NORCE) reported on the latest EuroGO-SHIP news and shared the project’s ambitions at the GO-SHIP international face-to-face meeting.
Ocean Literacy in Action

EuroGO-SHIP had a presence at the Ocean Literacy in Action, which took place in Brussels in March. Visitors scanning the QR code on flyers were taken to a special landing page featuring curated articles and information for a non-technical audience wishing to expand their knowledge of ocean observation and to read the personal experiences of EuroGO-SHIP researchers.

During the event, the EuroGO-SHIP short video, Ocean observation experts mentoring early career scientists was featured in a video wall screening in the lunch area. If you haven’t seen this video, please check it out here.

10-12, April 2024
2024 Ocean Decade Conference
Barcelona International Convention Centre
The EuroGO-SHIP factsheet will be available at
the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Stand 1- Foyer)
14-18, April 2024
Vienna, Austria
The EuroGO-ship video Early Career Scientists Gets a Foot Up will be featured in the GeoCinema area of the Art-Science gallery in the virtual conference platform.
24- 27, June 2024
2nd EuroGO-SHIP Annual Meeting will be hosted by CNR in Venice, Italy. A workshop with the Black Sea Observation community and consultations with Research Infrastructures will also take place.
We hope you will support EuroGO-SHIP’s mission to promote the importance of ship-based hydrography in the ocean observation value chain by inviting your contacts to sign-up to this newsletter!