Nov 23rd Brussels, Belgium, facilitated by JPI Oceans
Richard Sanders (NORCE) discussed the need for long-term financial security and sound collaborations on the provision of sustained ship-based observations, both at national and European levels during his presentation, leading to a fruitful dialogue with stakeholders in attendance on the necessity of ship-based observing, and the justification for the cost of this activity.
For more information related to this justification, please read Richard’s blog, The Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic Carbon: A Case Study for the Importance of Hydrography
As 2024 brings us into the second project year, we will build on our engagement with the MonGOOS and EOOS joint committees meetings, to pinpoint next steps in mapping the requirements of our stakeholders to guide EuroGO-SHIP toward making the best contributions to the collective efforts of the European and global ship-based observing communities.